Recent News & Blog / Human Resources
Blow the Dust Off Your Employee Handbook
It’s probably safe to say that most employers have created some form of an employee handbook. But just because your organization has one, that doesn’t mean it’s functional.
Imposing Healthcare Plan Waiting Periods on Rehired Employees
It’s not uncommon for employers in some industries and localities to occasionally rehire a previously terminated employee. Should such a situation occur, you may wonder how to properly handle the waiting period typically imposed on new hires preceding their eligibility for health care benefits.
4 Questions of Compensation Philosophy to Ponder
In the simplest of worlds, an employee effectively performs a set of tasks on an agreed-upon schedule and you pay him or her a fair wage. End of story.
DOL Increases Penalties for Many Labor Law Violations
Every employer knows that failing to comply with federal laws is costly, but it’s getting even more so. The Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015 directs federal agencies to adjust civil penalties for inflation each year.
What Does "At-Will Employment" Really Mean Anyway?
Many, if not most, employers today use some form of an “at-will” employment contract when hiring. The arrangement is theoretically simple: The employer can terminate the employee at any time, for any cause — with or without notice. But is that what at-will employment really means?
Protect Retirement Plan Fiduciaries Through Training, Insurance
When an employer decides to sponsor a retirement plan for employees, it takes on great responsibility. Anyone who exercises discretionary authority over any vital facet of plan operations likely will be considered a plan fiduciary.
Reverse Mentoring Can Benefit Everyone Involved
When you read the word “mentor,” you might envision an older individual patiently and eloquently passing along decades’ worth of knowledge to a wide-eyed young student. Indeed, this is a kind of mentoring relationship that still exists and can prove beneficial to many organizations.
Providing Health Insurance to Employees Taking Military Caregiver Leave
An employer may occasionally receive a request for military caregiver leave. One question you may have under such circumstances is whether you must provide health insurance to the employee while on leave.
Want to Motivate Employees? Get Back to Basics
Motivation. It’s a relatively simple word, but encouraging it among your employees can be a challenge. Maybe that’s because, fundamentally, enthusiasm must come from within. It’s not something you can implant in someone externally.
Comply Carefully with the Laws Regarding Background Checks
A bad hire can lead to more than just disappointment. Disgruntled employees may draw bad publicity; file complicated, expensive lawsuits; and even disclose or destroy sensitive data. Many employers are adding background checks to their hiring processes for these reasons.