Recent News & Blog

Recent News & Blog / Human Resources

  • Solving the skilled labor dilemma with military veterans

    The shortage of skilled labor available for hire is bad — and it’s worldwide. New research conducted by the Manpower Group for the 2020 World Economic Forum in Davos revealed that 54% of employers surveyed globally were struggling with skilled labor shortages.

  • Some basic facts about wage garnishment

    The prospect of having to garnish an employee’s wages isn’t a pleasant thought, yet it’s a situation that many employers face. As with any onerous task, the more prepared you are, the better. Let’s look at some basic facts about the process. Various types

  • Tread carefully when handling FMLA leave requests

    When employees request time off under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), employers need to tread carefully. The FMLA can trip you up in various ways, including how to legally document and approve eligibility for leave.

  • Keeping the faith in a reverse mentoring program

    In a reverse mentoring program, a younger and usually less experienced employee mentors an older one, who’s typically in management or even an executive or business owner.

  • Wellness programs are subject to many federal laws

    At the beginning of the year, many people make resolutions about improving their physical fitness and overall well-being. Employers may seek to give these goals a boost in the longevity department by offering an employee wellness program.

  • Local Minimum Wage Law Changes

    The Federal minimum wage rate increased to $7.25 back in 2010 and has remained at that level ever since. As you know, many states have passed their own minimum wage laws that increased the minimum wage in their respective states.

  • Counting your employees for ACA compliance purposes

    It seems like a simple question: How many full-time workers does your organization employ? But, when it comes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the calculation can be complicated — and the answer is important. Potential penalty

  • Can employees donate unused vacation pay to charity?

    Like many employers, you may allow employees to carry over unused vacation pay from one year to the next. With the year winding down, and gift giving on the minds of many, certain staff members might inquire about donating their unused vacation pay to charity.

  • Review and revise job descriptions for everyone’s benefit

    A job description may seem like just so many words on a page or website. But those words have power. They can either set an employer and employee on a path toward a positive, fruitful relationship or on a downward spiral into confusion and conflict.

  • Must employers distribute initial COBRA notices every year?

    When an employer’s staff size reaches 20 or more, it’s generally required to offer “COBRA” health care coverage to departing employees. (The name comes from the legislation that made it law: the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985.)

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