Effective Internal Controls and Why They Matter
Local GovernmentIn partnership with the PA State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS), Member of the Firm Krista Gardner discusses basic internal controls that should exist within a sound business environment.
Nonprofit Legal Update
NonprofitIn this presentation, Tricia Naylor from Baric Scherer LLC reviews various legalities as they relate to nonprofit organizations, including existing versus subsidiary nonprofit uses, taxable for-profit subsidiary uses, and other considerations.
Functional Expense Allocations: Avoiding Pitfalls & Getting it Right
NonprofitIn this video, Audit Manager Erin Clark discusses functional expense allocations for nonprofit organizations. Learn their importance, direct and indirect cost differences, and recommendations to avoid common pitfalls.
Nonprofit Collaboration
NonprofitWe once again would like to thank Addie Nardi from Boys & Girls Club of Washington County for being a guest speaker at our annual nonprofit seminar.
Budgeting in the Nonprofit World
NonprofitIn this video, Member of the Firm Greg Hall explains the importance of budgeting for nonprofits and how to build an effective budget for your organization.
The Fundamentals of Grant Writing
NonprofitWe once again would like to thank Laura O’Grady from York Day Nursery for being a guest speaker at our annual nonprofit seminar.
Accounting & Auditing Updates
NonprofitIn this video, Manager Gary Snyder reviews the latest updates on nonprofit lease accounting, upcoming audit report changes, and the Current Expected Credit Losses (CECL).
COVID-19 Economic Impact of Funding Steams
NonprofitIn this video, Audit Manager Amanda Ruhlman provides an overview of the funding streams now available to nonprofits as a result of the pandemic. Check out the benefits and potential ramifications associated with each of them.
Research & Experimentation Tax Credit with Angela Quigley
Manufacturing, TaxThe Research & Experimentation (R&E) Tax Credit benefits businesses in any industry that are focusing on innovation and growth in their product or processes.
Internal Control Considerations - July 21, 2021
Local GovernmentMember of the Firm Kevin Stouffer dives into a high-level overview of internal controls, including details of the five components of internal control and real-life examples of potential controls your organization can implement. This segment was part of our 2021 Financial Insight seminar for local