Recent News & Blog / Nonprofit
Is your nonprofit complying with federal procurement requirements?
“Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards” (Uniform Guidance) applies to all not-for-profits that accept federal funding. It has been updated and amended several times, most recently in 2020.
What nonprofit board members need to know about fiduciary duties
It takes more than dedication and enthusiasm for your not-for-profit’s cause and programs to make a good board member. The most critical duty for all board members is being a fiduciary.
Do you know the new accounting rules for gifts in kind?
If your not-for-profit organization accepts contributions of nonfinancial assets, such as land, services and supplies, you should know about Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) rules approved last year.
Minimize the need to make year-end financial adjustments
If your not-for-profit periodically prepares internal financial statements for your board, you may have noticed that your auditors propose adjustments to these interim statements at year end. Why do auditors do this? Generally, it reflects differences due to cash basis vs.
D&O insurance: How nonprofits can reduce liability risk
Not-for-profit organizations may operate under the assumption that their missions and their board members’ good intentions protect them from litigation. Sometimes, this assumption is proven wrong with a lawsuit.
Protect your organization’s fragile tax-exempt status
Not-for-profit organizations are different from for-profit businesses in many vital ways. One of the most crucial differences is that under Section 501(c)(3), Sec. 501(c)(7) and other provisions, nonprofits are tax-exempt. But your tax-exempt status is fragile.
Nonprofits: Heed these financial danger signs
Many not-for-profits are just starting to emerge from one of the most challenging environments in recent memory due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Even if your organization is in good shape, don’t get too comfortable.
Whistleblower policies protect both staffers and your nonprofit
According to the Nonprofit Times, only 41% of not-for-profits have whistleblower policies. Perhaps nonprofit leaders believe their organizations are too small or collegial to worry about illicit activities — let alone people reporting them.
New legislation proposes to help “rescue” nonprofits
No one needs to tell nonprofit organizations how tough the past year has been. According to the John Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies, 7.7% of not-for-profit workers — nearly one million people — lost their jobs between February 2020 and January 2021.
Nonprofits: Hit your targets with benchmarking
How committed is your not-for-profit organization to benchmarking? Perhaps you think it makes sense in the for-profit sphere, but not as much for charities and other nonprofits. If so, you’re probably missing out on benefits — including long-term sustainability.