Recent News & Blog / Firm News
SEK Named Readers’ Choice Accounting Firm
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAugust 15, 2019 SEK Named Readers’ Choice Accounting Firm
Understanding Tax Opportunity Zones Seminar Presentation
Member of the Firm David L. Maaskant, CPA, CVA and Clinton G. Smith, III, CPA from SevenBridge Financial Group presented at the West Shore County Club on Understanding Tax Opportunity Zones. You can check out the full presentation below.
SEK Announces Staff and Supervisor Promotions
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 9, 2019 SEK Announces Staff and Supervisor Promotions
SEK Gets Top Honors in CPBJ Reader Rankings Awards
SEK, CPAs & Advisors was recently recognized in Central Penn Business Journal’s third annual Reader Rankings Awards.
We're Excited to Introduce You to Our New Look!
After months of hard work, we are excited to announce that our brand-new SEK website has launched!
Craig E. Witmer, CPA, CGFM Earns Advanced Single Audit Certificate
SEK, CPAs & Advisors is pleased to announce Craig E. Witmer, CPA, CGFM, Member of the Firm, has successfully completed the certification process with the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) to earn the Advanced Single Audit Certificate.
Scott D. Stouffer Earns QKA Designation
The Members of SEK, CPAs & Advisors are pleased to announce that Scott D. Stouffer has successfully completed the certification process with the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries (ASPPA) to earn the Qualified 401(k) Administrator (QKA) credential.
SEK Manager Joins York County Estate Planning Council
Margaret E. Eldridge, CPA, MBA, CSEP, Manager at SEK, CPAs & Advisors has joined the York County Estate Planning Council Steering Committee.
SEK Announces Staff Promotions
SEK is pleased to announce the following promotions effective January 1, 2019.
SEK Announces Supervisor Promotions
The Members of SEK are pleased to announce the following staff members were promoted to Supervisor effective January 1, 2019.