Firm Leadership

Firm Leadership / Lauren Frick

woman with brown hair and red shirt and black jacket

Lauren Frick


Estate and Trust Compliance & Taxation

Hagerstown, MD


Connect with me on LinkedIn

Lauren is a member of the Estate Administration & Compliance and Trust departments. With expertise in fiduciary tax compliance, probate administration, and providing tax services for individual clients and small businesses, Lauren has become a trusted advisor for attorneys and trust departments.

Known for her attention to detail and client-focused approach, Lauren is committed to delivering high-quality service and fostering long-term relationships with clients. Lauren looks forward to further contributing to the firm’s growth and supporting the continued success of the Estate Administration & Compliance and Trust departments as she works towards becoming a Certified Financial Planner.

In addition to her client responsibilities, Lauren is chair of the firm’s Emerging Professionals Committee.

Quick Facts

  • Speaking Engagements

    • Career Paths in Public Accounting (October 2024)


  • Certified Public Accountant - Maryland


  • B.S. Accounting - University of Maryland University College
  • Master of Business Administration - Frostburg State University

Work Highlights

  • Year joined SEK: 2014


  • When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

    I wanted to go into the FBI.

  • What was your first job?

    My first job was at DMP in Hagerstown when I was 14. My dad said if I wanted a car to drive, I better have money to buy one.

  • Tell us about your family.

    John and I got married in 2019, shortly before the world shut down. We have two children named Tommy and Eleanor. Tommy loves football and Eleanor is our soccer star. We have a cat named Fen, two snails named Pickles and Pickles #2, and five neon tetras collectively referred to as "Fish."

  • What would others be surprised to learn about you?

    I served in the Maryland National Guard.

  • What is something on your bucket list?

    To run the Marine Corps marathon.

My Service Specialties

  • Estate Planning & Compliance
  • Tax & Compliance

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